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Are you recognizing yourself in these ways?

You've already begun the journey of not drinking alcohol, and now you want to get a better understanding of your emotions.

You are seeking a deeper connection with yourself.

You are feeling a lot of things right now in your mind and body, and you can't really make sense of them.

You yearn for healthier and more fulfilling relationships with your friends, family, and loved ones.

You am ready to go live! You want to experience what life without alcohol could REALLY be like.

You are longing for a renewed sense of self-acceptance and self-love.

You are eager to discover your authentic self and live a life aligned with your true desires.

You have felt the need for a supportive community that understands your journey.

You are seeking guidance and practical tools to navigate your new life alcohol-free.

You let go of drinking and are ready to let go of self-limiting beliefs and make empowered choices!

You are beginning to understand that long-withstanding sobriety involves more than just giving up alcohol.

Move beyond abstinence from alcohol and discover the life-altering power and freedom of emotional sobriety, where you will reclaim your autonomy and regain control over your life. Cultivate emotional resilience, repair and build fulfilling relationships, and create a life of purpose and lasting positive change. It's time to embrace a life filled with clarity, emotional resilience, and mindful self-connection!

This program will help you


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Embrace the Power of Sobriety and Transform Beyond Abstinence

You've embarked on a remarkable journey towards a life of freedom by breaking free from alcohol and removing it from your life. But sobriety is so much more than just abstaining from alcohol and long-withstanding freedom requires you to embark on the incredible opportunity of profound personal transformation.

In the midst of your newfound sobriety you might be wondering, "What's next?" and that's because you know and understand that your journey extends far beyond simply giving up alcohol. It's about embracing emotional sobriety, healing, and reclaiming your authentic self.

Sobriety is a holistic path to growth, self-discovery, and resilience. It's about rewiring your mindset, healing emotional wounds, and nurturing the relationships that matter most to you.

Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Picture yourself cultivating emotional resilience, gaining self-awareness, and developing healthy coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges. Visualize the joy of rebuilding authentic connections, fostering meaningful relationships, and experiencing the profound healing that comes from living your truth.

Now is the time to envision the life that awaits you beyond alcohol. Embrace the power of sobriety and discover the boundless potential within you.

Your decision to stop drinking was just the beginning.

With STAY FREE You Will:

Change the way you see yourself by understanding your emotions, feelings, thoughts and squashing disempowering beliefs about yourself

Begin creating a life on how you want to show up in the world where alcohol does not fit in

Snap out of fear, self-sabotage & misalignment… INTO bravery, empowered action & self-leadership

Repair your relationships while gaining new ones

Learn how to find balance in your life while growing and expanding

Experience more energy and vigor: vital ingredients for your new lifestyle!

Create a life without alcohol that is full, fun, enjoyable and in alignment with your values and passions

Why I Coach This Program

A life long achiever and athlete, I turned to alcohol early as a way to fit in and have fun, unknowing it would eventually become a way for me to quiet the noise of the world, numb feelings of being out of place and not belonging, and used as a way to satisfy my overwhelming need to check out from it all.

Ultimately, my struggle and suffering with alcohol grew and was very private and truly my best kept secret. I never lost a job and I wasn’t homeless. I didn’t get a DUI and I didn’t require an intervention or a formal detox from alcohol. I didn’t fit the mold of what society deemed as “having a problem.” But I knew in my core that I had a very unstable and unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

I just couldn’t stop drinking.

It was a problem to ME.

But after doing the work that I coach in BREAK FREE, I was able to boldy, bravely, and successfully walk away from alcohol. Taking that courageous step of choosing a life free from alcohol was a journey that touched the very core of my being. Through my struggles and triumphs, I came to realize that sobriety was not just about giving up alcohol - but was actually a gateway for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery.

I know firsthand the incredible impact that sobriety can have you every aspect of life. The clarity, purpose, and authenticity that emerge are nothing short of extraordinary. Sobriety gives you the ability to create a life that surpasses your wildest dreams.

So this is STAY FREE - where you continue further down the sacred journey of sobriety and continue to explore, heal, and flourish.

Today, I specialize in helping clients regain control of their life and experience a new freedom. My teachings come from my own experiences and the teachings I received from the help of coaches, mentors, and group support to get where I am today.

Your journey of self-discovery goes well beyond abstinence from alcohol.

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Unlock the power of emotional sobriety. Navigate life's challenges with resilience and balance. Understand and manage emotions in a constructive way, without resorting to unhealthy patterns or substances.

Embrace vulnerability, practice self-compassion, and nurture emotional well-being to experience greater authenticity, connection, and overall well-being.

Repair the relationship with yourself and the relationships with others while you rebuild your support systems.

Embark on a journey of forgiveness and empathy, fostering authentic and supportive relationships that reinforce your path to lasting sobriety.

Develop mindfulness practices that foster a deep connection with your body, allowing you to honor its needs and cultivate a sense of inner peace and balance.

Create a life that you enjoy that includes exploring hobbies and cultivating new ones while allowing and ultimately embracing creative expression.

Wake up with energy and mentally able to take on the day with the will to live in a life you do not want to escape from. Be able to do and gain anything you put your mind to.

And, you’ll do all of this by having fun again and experiencing true freedom and happiness. You get the life YOU design and deserve!

The value of the STAY FREE transformation lies in the opportunity for you to embrace your true self, cultivate emotional resilience, nurture meaningful relationships, and live a life filled with authenticity, joy, and personal growth. It offers the chance to move past limitations, connect with your inner wisdom, and create a meaningful and fulfilling life that aligns with your deepest desires and values.

True Transformation Awaits:

Emotional Resilience: Develop emotional resilience and learn practical strategies to navigate life's challenges. Gain the ability to handle difficult emotions with grace and maintain a sense of inner calm, fostering healthier coping mechanisms that support your overall well-being.

Improved Relationships: As you repair your relationship with yourself and others, you'll experience a profound shift in your interactions. STAY FREE provides you with the tools and insights to rebuild trust, foster open communication, and cultivate meaningful connections with your loved ones. Experience deeper intimacy, enhanced empathy, and more fulfilling relationships.

Heightened Self-Awareness: Embark on a journey of self-discovery, gaining deep insights into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This heightened self-awareness allows you to make conscious choices aligned with your values and desires, fostering personal growth and a greater sense of authenticity.

Enhanced Mental and Physical Well-being: By staying free from alcohol and cultivating emotional sobriety, you'll experience a remarkable improvement in your mental and physical health, including increased energy levels, improved cognitive function and even a strong immune system!

Self-Love and Self-Care: Learn to prioritize your well-being, practice self-compassion, and establish healthy boundaries. Nurturing self-love allows you to experience greater self-acceptance, heightened self-esteem, and a renewed sense of inner worth

Empowered Decision-Making: Develop a stronger sense of clarity and decisiveness. Gain the confidence to make empowered choices aligned with your values and long-term goals, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Holistic Healing: Through mindfulness practices, body awareness exercises, and intuitive development, you'll experience a profound sense of balance and harmony within yourself. This holistic healing approach supports your overall well-being and contributes to a more aligned and fulfilling life. Begin looking at more than just the body and go into the mind and spirit.

Support and Community: Become part of a supportive community dedicated to personal growth and emotional sobriety. Connecting with like-minded individuals gives you continued guidance and resources as you navigate your journey into freedom.

About Lauren Fay

I am an Empowerment Coach, Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Tibetan Singing Bowl Practitioner, and Sensual Movement and Authentic Expression Alchemist. I teach Yin and Kundalini Yoga, facilitate Women's Circles, and am a Miracle Facilitator of Choose Again Attitudinal Healing based off of A Course in Miracles. A former Collegiate Athlete, Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer, I discovered early on the power of motivation and support to achieve dreams.

All of these modalities are very powerful, transformative, restorative, and effective systems of healing that revitalizes our bodies and frees one from emotional turmoil, old belief systems, addictive behaviors, and physical disorders that no longer serve us.

I have brought all of my life experiences and teachings to bring you this amazing offering.

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The STAY FREE program is specifically designed for individuals who have already taken the courageous step of breaking free from alcohol and want to ensure lasting sobriety. It is for those who seek a deeper sense of freedom, emotional well-being, and fulfillment on their alcohol-free journey.

This Is For You If:

You are not drinking alcohol but still find yourself struggling with feelings of isolation and a lack of true freedom.

You crave a deeper sense of freedom, emotional well-being, and fulfillment on your journey of sobriety.

Lingering emotional challenges or a sense of confinement continue to affect your overall sense of liberation.

You desire to cultivate genuine connections, rebuild trust, and experience the joy of authentic relationships.

You recognize the need for ongoing growth, further healing, and unlocking the fullness of your freedom on your transformative journey.

You long for a profound sense of inner peace, self-acceptance, and the ability to fully embrace and enjoy life in sobriety.

Are You Ready for Lasting Sobriety?

STAY FREE is a profound invitation to venture beyond the surface of sobriety, urging you to embark on the transformative journey that transcends simply abstaining from alcohol.

This holistic approach goes beyond the physical body and the action of drinking alcohol and encourages you to venture deeper into the miraculous spaces of your mind and spirit. territories of emotional healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.

Unravel the layers of your being, repair the parts that may have fueled your dependency, and ignite the radiant spark within you that will guide you towards long-standing success and an extraordinary life of true liberation.

This is a of courage, resilience, and an exploration within you with boundless rewards - a life of unwavering authenticity, profound fulfillment, and an unshakable foundation for lasting sobriety.

Embrace this journey and let STAY FREE become the catalyst for your most profound transformation!

What's Included in STAY FREE?


Pre-recorded videos including lessons and transformation tasks intended to help you STAY FREE from the grip of alcohol by delving deep into your relationship with yourself and revolutionizing your perspective on it.

This mini-coaching series is available online and can be completed in the privacy of your own space.

Repair your relationship with yourself (create self care plan - body, mind, spirit (beyond RPP, take it to the next step; learning how to cope with emotions; self attunement)

Repair your relationships with others & rebuild your support system

Cultivate self love

Create a full and rewarding life

Understanding and developing your intuition - a sensitivity we used to feel the need to supress and "calm" with alcohol

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5 Modules complete with Lessons, Videos, and Transformation Tasks. Each lesson and assignment take approximately 45 to 90 minutes to complete.


Throughout the STAY FREE program embedded within each module are a variety of transformation questions and exercises. While entirely voluntary, these exercises were selected and developed specifically to help you transform your thinking around alcohol and are a crucial part of your journey. They are all included in this program and will be yours forever.


Your purchase grants you up to one year access with unlimited personal viewing of this course. During this time period, you may also qualify for exclusive discounts on additional courses including BE FREE where we invite in spiritual and ancestral healing. You will also receive a private invitation into my exclusive LIBERATED Mastermind group coaching program.

All of this for ONLY $197!


Streamline Your Transformation and Quantum Leap Results!

Unleash Your Potential with Lauren Fay's Exclusive 1:1 Coaching

Experience a Tailored Transformational Journey Designed to Align with Your Goals and Catapult You Towards Success!

Imagine having Lauren Fay in your back pocket to answer any questions, process through real-time events, work through any roadblocks, and explore your curiosities.

Book a FREE Breakthrough Clarity Call with Lauren Fay to explore how personalized coaching can be your catalyst for true transformation.

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My personal guarantee to you...

Staying free from alcohol will create a new and more meaningful life where you will feel LIBERATED in your new identity as an empowered alcohol-free human.

My guarantee to you is that the teachings found in my programs, when implemented, will make a difference in your life. I know when you take action, you will get results.



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Related Products to Support Your Journey

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Part 1 of self-paced videos including lessons and transformation tasks intended to help you BREAK FREE from the grip of alcohol by delving deep into your relationship to alcohol and revolutionizing your perspective on it. This mini-coaching series is available online and can be completed in the privacy of your own space.

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Part 3: You're anchored into being alcohol-free, and now BE FREE is your new, empowered life of fully embodying your alcohol-free identity. In this self-paced video series, BE FREE focuses on aligning with your purpose and creating the life of your dreams. This series caps the journey from BREAK FREE and STAY FREE to becoming free in all areas of your life.

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Wherever you may be on your journey, a coach can help you identify your strengths and work toward successful change of life situations that may be holding you back. I'm offering an increased level of engagement, a safe place to gain perspective, and a deeper level of learning toward building personal awareness critical to your success.

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