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Welcome to my Signature Reiki Practitioner Master Level Certifications Course

Three Certifications in One Training!

Becoming a Reiki Master is a self-development journey. Once you become aware of the vast creative life-force that exists within you and start to work with it on a conscious level, your experience of life will totally transform in the most amazing ways.

Becoming a Reiki Master is a self-development journey. Once you become aware of the vast creative life-force that exists within you and start to work with it on a conscious level, your experience of life will totally transform in the most amazing ways.

Lauren Fay
Your Reiki Master Teacher

Becoming a Reiki Master was an upleveling for me.

As soon as I decided Reiki was a path I was going to take, the trajectory of my life monumentally changed and I was ALL IN. I changed. People around me noticed that I had changed. I was lighter. I was more free. Happier. Calmer (definitely calmer). Purposeful. Driven. Passionate. I saw the world differently. I treated people differently. Compassion started to radiate through me and judgment started to slip away. I looked at my food differently and saw the animals differently. I looked at the Earth differently and all of her resources. The list can literally go on and on.

I hadn’t planned on all of this happening. It just… happened. I opened myself up to the unconditional love of Usui Reiki Energy, then cracked open even further by inviting in the powerhouse additions of Holy Fire III and Karuna® Reiki Energy, and that was it. There was no turning back! I like who I am now way too much to go back to my old ways.

I chose this path for me. I knew my WHY. I made a decision and nothing could get in my way. Then the beautiful blessings of a thriving Reiki practice, an abundance of trusting clients, countless events, and even teaching Reiki all started to fall into place because I chose for them to happen. When my vision and WHY became crystal clear, the Universe provided.

If you are already attuned to Level 1 & 2 Reiki and want to up-level your life to the next step, this Advanced Masters training IS FOR YOU. As one student proclaimed during training last summer, “I”m blown away. Are you teaching us magic?!” That’s how good it feels!

Usui Masters Level Reiki is typically taught as a stand-alone training. But I like to do things differently. When I believe in something so much because I know and felt what it did for me, I couldn’t possibly withhold it from you.


The development of your connection to Reiki evolves continually, healing you on deeper levels and developing your ability to channel ever more refined, effective and compassionate levels of Reiki healing energy.

The development of your connection to Reiki evolves continually, healing you on deeper levels and developing your ability to channel ever more refined, effective and compassionate levels of Reiki healing energy.

Lauren Fay
Your Reiki Master Teacher

Becoming a Reiki Master is a deeply personal journey that often begins with the desire for personal healing, growth, and spiritual development.

Maybe you were drawn to Reiki initially to address your own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. Maybe you experienced a profound shift and healing on multiple levels as you progressed from Level 1 and Level 2. Becoming a Reiki Master allows you to continue deepening your own healing journey, working through past traumas, mistaken beliefs, and addictive thought patterns that no longer serve you. It will help you continue releasing emotional blockages so you can fully live free in your life.

A Master-level Reiki practice is really about spiritual growth and evolution. Why stay where you are when there's so much more to experience? Universal energy, interconnectedness and self-actualization are all availbale to you at a more impactful and profound level through Master Level Reiki. This is an opportunity for you expand your consciousness and cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

There is a common misconception that to become a Reiki Master means you must have the desire to teach Reiki to others or have an established Reiki Business where you're taking clients and making money off of the modality.

Yes, this level is what will give you the ability to teach and pass on Reiki to others through attunements, placements and ignitions should you choose, and you certainly will up-level your business if that's the route you want to take.

But teaching and income do not need to be the underlying reason to continue your Reiki training on to the Master level.

The desire to share the Reiki gift with others is a wonderful aspiration, but the desire for personal growth is just as, if not more so, important. Personal growth can be your sole reason for wanting to become a Reiki Master.

I once read that a Reiki Master is someone who has consciously decided to master their own life. To me this is a perfect why of becoming a Reiki Master. The title is not to have the notion that we are better than or a master over someone else, nor is reaching the Master Level a final destination.

Reiki will always take us deeper into ourselves and open us up to the depth, yet simplicity of Reiki if we practice.

Master Level certification takes us to this depth where we then can give ourselves permission to explore even further.

Becoming a Reiki Master is more about standing in your own personal power and letting your healing light shine. It is a commitment to the Reiki energy that “yes, Reiki does resonate with me and I wish to fully integrate it into my life.” Receiving the Master Level attunement and placements will greatly deepen your experience of Reiki as well as create a stronger connection to the flow of life in general. Through our daily practice we will see more doors opening for us, and obstacles are easily recognized as learning tools. We will experience more joy, peace, and love. We will see the bigger picture.

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You will receive advanced training on the Usui Reiki system, the Karuna® Reiki system AND the Holy Fire III Reiki System. ALL THREE are included in my Signature Reiki Masters Training!

  1. Usui Reiki: The original form of Reiki developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th century, Usui Reiki focuses on channeling universal life energy through the hands to promote healing and balance in the recipient. The Master Level Usui Reiki training will enhance your connection to Divine Source at a much deeper level by learning advanced techniques that enhance your ability to channel and work with Reiki energy. These techniques may include advanced methods of energy scanning, distant healing, and intuitive healing.
  2. Holy Fire III Reiki: Holy Fire III Reiki is a newer form of Reiki developed by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). It is said to be a more refined and powerful form of Reiki energy, characterized by a deeper sense of healing, purification, and spiritual growth. Holy Fire is the flame of pure love that our spirits and life force is made of. Holy Fire empowers the soul and brings back the divine essence of a person. Holy Fire III Reiki practitioners work with a specific set of symbols and techniques that are believed to enhance the healing process.
  3. Karuna® Reiki: Karuna® Reiki was developed by Reiki Master William Lee Rand as a complementary practice to Usui Reiki. "Karuna" is a Sanskrit word that translates to "compassionate action," and Karuna® Reiki emphasizes the healing power of compassion and loving kindness. It is very powerful and helps specific problems come to the surface to heal. Karuna® energy is extended out of love to ourselves and others. Karuna® Reiki practitioners work with additional symbols and techniques that not only deepen the healing process and promote spiritual growth, but are highly effective for addressing deep-seated emotional issues and past traumas.

All three systems of Reiki share a common foundation in channeling universal life energy for healing purposes but they each have their own unique teachings, symbols, and techniques. As a practitioner you will be able to incorporate elements from each system into your practice.

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What you will gain in this Signature Reiki Masters Training:

  • Receive the attunement of the Usui Master Level symbol
  • Receive the placement of the the Holy Fire symbol
  • Receive the placements of eight Karuna Reiki® symbols
  • Learn how to perform attunements and placements
  • Learn how to strengthen your Intuition and read other’s energy bodies
  • Perform many hands on practices
  • Gain practical hands-on experience leading Reiki trainings, circles and classes
  • Learn how to create a thriving Reiki practice and get insured
  • Learn how to become a Reiki teacher
  • Obtain accredited Usui Masters Level Certificate
  • Obtain accredited Holy Fire® III Masters Level Certificate
  • Obtain accredited Karuna Reiki® Masters Level Certificate

Reiki is a sacred practice.

It's unlimited nature can create opportunities for continual growth and unfoldment of our boundless potential. The ever increasing joy, peace and abundance that awaits youare not only blessings to be enjoyed, but also contain the healing the planet so dearly needs.

The desire to grow is inherent in simply being alive. This is an opportunity to grow, and the desire to grow in your Reiki potential is a natural expression of your core essence and of life itself.

If you feel this desire in your heart, honor and respect it. Doing so will fulfill an innate need.

I can't get excited enough about the joys of becoming a Reiki Master! And like I already stated, you do not have to teach or even start a Reiki practice business in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing abilities. Treating yourself and treating others in person and at a distance will all be noticeably improved. If you ever decide to formally teach, you will be able to do so. As you take Reiki Master training and increase your personal vibration, it adds to the vibration of the whole planet!

Investment for ALL THREE Master Level Certifications is ONLY $2222!

These evolved systems are typically taught separately at significant time and expense to the student.

This combined training is an opportunity you do not want to miss!

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Spring 2025 Weekend Course from 10:00am - 6:00pm

Gig Harbor, WA (Address provided upon registration)

Snacks and refreshments will be provided and students will have a one-hour extended lunch break.

Attunement and Certification to Usui Reiki Level 1 and 2 (by any teacher) is required to enroll in Usui Holy Fire III Karuna® Advanced Masters Training.

Teachers may suggest anywhere from 30 days to a 1 year gap in scheduling between Level 2 and Masters Training. If you are newly certified and attuned by a different teacher, you are welcome to enroll in my Advanced Masters Training to keep your momentum going and to continue opening doors for yourself. We can discuss this on a case by case basis, so please reach out to ask any questions, share your concerns, and gain a deeper understanding on my personal reasoning for jumping right into a Masters Program! You know what is best for you, and I am here to help you honor your process. I do strongly suggest that one takes the proper time and space to deepen their connection to their Masters Level Training before going on to teach Reiki. This will be discussed in training.

Total investment of $2222 includes a $222 non-refundable deposit. You can choose to Pay in Full or reserve your space with Deposit only. The remaining balance is due two weeks prior to the training. Payment plans considered upon request. Teacher abides by a strict no-refund policy if cancelled 10 days prior to training date.

By enrolling in Reiki training, you acknowledge that the courses provided are intended for educational purposes and are designed to empower you to practice Reiki for personal healing and professional development. Reiki is a complementary healing modality and is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. The training does not involve medical diagnosis or treatment. You are fully responsible for your health and well-being, and it is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns. By proceeding with your enrollment, you consent to participate in the Reiki training, understanding that it is a personal journey of growth and healing. Teacher guarantees no specific results or outcome. By voluntarily embarking on this journey, you are taking full responsibility for your own success. All information shared during the course will remain confidential, and the training will be conducted with the utmost care and respect.

NOTE: All correspondance will be delivered to the email address you choose. Please check your Spam folder and take appropriate actions to mark emails as SAFE!

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