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It takes a lot of courage to lean into this woman that you are.

It takes confidence to trust in your own voice, to honor your instincts and desires, and to stand tall in the essence and expression of you.

What would it feel like to not want to exist in this world as anyone else, and fully let whatever comes to you be the result of you being 100% yourself?

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1. Do you find yourself doubting your abilities and second-guessing your decisions?

2. Are you feeling held back by fear and insecurity, like the only thing in your way, is you?

3. Do you crave the confidence to trust and use your voice, assert yourself, and actually go after what it is that you want?

4. Are you tired of playing small with yourself and in your life, craving what it's like to actually know and feel confident?

5. Do you long to feel comfortable as the woman that you are, expressing yourself without self-doubt, judgment, fear, or hesitation?

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Overcoming self-doubt and building confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Navigating life's challenges with resilience while maintaining a positive or optimistic mindset.

Asserting yourself, using your voice, and setting boundaries in your personal and professional relationships.

Finding the courage to step out of your comfort zone and take decisive action towards your goals.

Trusting yourself and your intuition.

Just feeling really good and satisfied overall.

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I was constantly seeking and looking outside of myself for strength and confidence until I finally learned that it came from within, and that it was there the whole time!

I learned that as a CONFIDENT woman, I could embody, own and trust in my abilities, my worth, my decisions, and my actions. I learned how to stand up for myself and be an advocate for what I believed in - belief in MYSELF being top of the list.

I learned how to embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunties for growth.

I developed a sense of optimism and resilience. I began to deeply trust my intuition and what came through for me and for my highest good.

I learned that it wasn't perfection I should be striving for, but rather, striving to be the best version of myself (to include radical self-acceptance and self-love), which ultimately, makes it perfect.

I finally began to see in myself what I saw in others.

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You will learn that confidence isn't just a state of mind, but a powerful force that can shape the trajectory of your life.

Embracing YOU and your authenticity with confidence unlocks a world of possibilities. You become a force, capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, anchored in yourself.

Confidence propels you forward, giving you the strength and resilience to overcome the obstacles that come your way because you trust yourself enough to handle them.

A CONFIDENT woman is unstoppable, because a confident woman knows that the only limits that exist are the ones she sets for herself.

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This is CONFIDENT. A 4 week journey to unlock your true confidence by amplifying your authentic self-expression, strengthening your internal dialogue and mastering the art of decisive action.

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Week 1 - Understanding Confidence: Explore the concept of confidence, your personal understanding of it, and define your ideal version of it.

Week 2 - Confidence as a Skill: Learn how confidence as a skill can be developed and strengthened through practical strategies and techniques.

Week 3 - Developing a Positive Internal Dialogue and Mindset: Understand how mindset impacts confidence and learn to create a positive image through self-reflection and borrowing from others.

Week 4 - Taking Bold and Brave Action: Embrace decisiveness and courage as keys to confidence and embrace trial and error as a path to growth and self-discovery.

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4 weeks of once-a-week interactive 90-minute group coaching sessions:

Thursday, May 9 11am PST

Thursday, May 16 11am PST

Thursday, May 23 11am PST

Thursday, May 30 11am PST

Sessions will be recorded and made available soon after the session.

Private Group Chat Support: Stay connected and CONFIDENT throughout the entire program in a private group chat. Share wins, seek advice, and receive support from your fellow participants and Lauren Fay. With daily support and accountability, you'll have the tools and resources you need to stay on track and make lasting changes in your life.

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Unconditional self-acceptance, where you begin to embrace yourself fully and start to truly like the woman you are, flaws and all, because of self-love and compassion.

Expansion and empowerment, creating a life where you feel confident to go after what you want, speak your truth, and stand up for what you believe in.

Empowered decision making, where you trust your instincts and make decisions that align with your values and goals, making sure that your desires and needs are at the top of the list.

Stronger relationships and deeper connections through more clear communication, healthy boundaries, and authenticity based on mutual respect and understanding.

A major glow up, radiating from the inside out and inspiring those around you to embrace their own light, love, and confidence. "I'll have what she's having, please!"

Greater life satisfaction, because when you feel good, everything starts to feel good and more fulfilling. It's all connected and it all starts with you!

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For only $247, you will gain access to this life-giving program and join a supportive community of women who are committed to their growth and transformation. Within our group coaching container, you will receive personalized attention and guidance every step of the way, ensuring that you get the most out of your journey to confidence.

Register BEFORE May 2 and receive a SPECIAL BONUS from Lauren Fay!

If you're ready to step into your power, embrace your true potential, and unleash your confidence, now is the time to take action. Join us on this transformative 4-week journey and discover the confident woman you were always meant to be!

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today! We begin May 9, 2024!

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